[Nml-wg] id/idref and inverse relations

Roman Łapacz romradz at man.poznan.pl
Wed Apr 4 07:45:07 EDT 2012

W dniu 2012-04-04 13:14, Freek Dijkstra pisze:
> Roman Łapacz wrote:
>> I'm not sure that we really need to have the inverse relation in all
>> cases.  I'm not against but maybe the types like
>> "partofSerialCompoundLink" should be treated as extensions  (different
>> namespace of attribute, eg. nml-ext:type). This way the core set of
>> types would be minimal (its values would be the  most useful and popular).
> Roman, you're a proponent of allowing inverse relations.
> Could you give a use case why we need it in the first place?

If I remember correctly our topology examples we usually used links 
containing ports/port references (shortly speaking). But our discussion 
with NSI showed that their aproach is different. The NSI topology is 
based on STPs/ports (using connectedTo). Switching from OWL into NML 
does not has to force NSI to change that approach. Use of  Ports with 
isSink/isSource could be more intuitive for NSI.


> Thanks,
> Freek

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