[Nml-wg] XML syntax for NML relations

Freek Dijkstra Freek.Dijkstra at sara.nl
Tue Aug 23 17:21:53 CDT 2011

Hi Jason,

We indeed seem to miscommunicate.

>>>> If an unknown element comes in, many parsers will [...]
>>> Your original sentence stated "reject the whole message".
>>> The bottom line is that we should DEFINE in the NML specification how
>>> parsers should behave in that case.
>>> I think we should add this item on the todo list for this WG and solicit
>>> input from any contributor on the list to propose such specification.
>>> Jason, would you agree this is a valid todo item for the group?
> I do not agree, because crafting a new parser seems to be unnecessary 
> busy work without any clear advantage for the group.

I do not understand why you bring up the desire or non-desire to craft a
new parser. I was only suggesting that it would be useful to define in
the NML specification what a parser should do in case it encounters an
element it does not understand. (e.g. write some text along the lines of
either "a client SHOULD reject the message" or "a client SHOULD ignore
the unknown element").

I did not propose any text yet, I also did not think you should do that
(though I would certainly value your input), nor that it should be done now.

(As a side note: the reason for bringing up the validation requirement
is that I hope to re-use existing parsers and validators, and thus avoid
the need to craft a new parser.)

On the other topics:

> I fail to understand why this is better than using a alternate namespace 
> on existing element from base. It is unclear to me how you propose to 
> facilitate this 'subclass' idea using the avalable tools and constructs 
> of XML.

I don't know how to explain it in email without repeating what already
has been said before. The only thing I can think of is actually defining
a full schema and writing an implementation that parses it.

Perhaps implementing is a good idea given the amount of talking that we
did so far :). In any case, I'm now on holiday till September 12. I will
leave coming weekend for two weeks, and will not be able to write that
before that time, given that I'm better versed in RDF than in XSD. (and
given that I'm not even a true RDF expert that means I'm an XSD-Noob ;) .)


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