[Nml-wg] More UML....

Freek Dijkstra F.Dijkstra at uva.nl
Wed Jun 25 05:42:56 CDT 2008

Aaron Brown wrote:

>> * A _Node_ MUST have a _hasPort_ relation with one or more _Ports_.

> Could we not have an unconnected node?

I concur, and would change it to zero or more Ports.

>> * A _Node_ MAY have a _implementedBy_ relation with one or more _Nodes_.

> Might a node be "implementedBy" a complex topology? E.g. a POP or 
> similar. So you could have a node that is "implementedBy" a network (or 
> whatever it's being called nowadays).

>> A _Port_ is related to zero or one _Node_, and also has a relation 
>> with zero, one or two  (uni-directional) _Links_.
> Where does an unconnected port exist?

>> * A _Port_ MAY have a _source_ relation with up to two _Unidirectional 
>> Links_.

>> * A _Port_ MAY have a _sink_ relation with up to two _Unidirectional 
>> Links_.

> Does this mean that a port might be a sink for two unidirectional links? 
> If so, under what circumstances could it occur that a port could be a 
> sink for more than one link, but not more than two?

>> A _Unidirectional Link_ SHOULD have a _capacity_  attribute which 
>> describes the capacity of the link in bytes per second.

> Not bits per second?

GMPLS defines it in Bytes per second, and I don't see a good reason to 
deviate (although I also wondered why on earth they picked this strange 

To me it's much more important to be very clear what this attribute 
means. For example, the actual transmission rate of 1 Gbit/s Ethernet is 
1.25*10^9 Baud, which due to the 10b/8b encoding correlates to 1.00*10^9 
bit/s data rate.

In this case, I'd say that the capacity of the physical layer link is 
(1.25*10^9)/8 byte/s and the capacity of the Ethernet layer link is 
(1.00*10^9)/8 byte/s.

>> A Unidirectional Link MUST have an attribute _type_ which is either 
>> _Link_ or _Crossconnect_.

> Would it make sense to make a cross-connect a subclass of link?

That is what we had at first. I think we changed because we sometimes 
want to explicitly say something really is a link, not a cross connect. 
If a cross connect is a subclass of a link, you can not do so.

We briefly played with the notion of having a abstract class called 
"relation", of which both link, cross-connect and adaptation are subclasses.

>> When the type is Link, the source and sink 
>> MUST be of different devices.

This is incorrect -- you may connect two ends of a fiber to the same 
device. Why anyone would want to do that is a different matter, but it 
is possible. The underlying idea is correct though.


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