[Nml-wg] Ethernet schema (Was: NML feedback)

Freek Dijkstra Freek.Dijkstra at sara.nl
Fri Jul 13 05:28:38 EDT 2012

On 13-07-2012 03:24, John MacAuley wrote:

> The more interesting problem is that the term VLAN needs to be
> qualified depending on the Ethernet service being offered.  For
> example, CE-VLAN (Customer Edge VLAN) or P-VLAN (Provider VLAN) or
> S-VLAN (Service VLAN),

NML will create a base schema with generic concepts. It would be very
useful to push out some technology specific schemas at roughly the same
time, and I think Ethernet is a prime candidate for that.

I've created some technology-specific schemes in NDL, but certainly
don't consider myself an expert.

Would you be willing to work with me on a Ethernet schema? That would be
extremely useful and helpful to us. As a first step, I like to call you
to go over the above variants, and decide together how many sublayers
there are in Ethernet. (where a sublayer is an encoding of a datastream,
thus with a given frame header). I can make time for this in about a
week from now.


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