[Nml-wg] NMLify of AutoGOLE topology

Freek Dijkstra Freek.Dijkstra at sara.nl
Wed Feb 22 07:21:49 EST 2012

A quick follow-up with technical bug fixes.

The RDF file credited Roman Łapacz and Jeroen van der Ham for their
contributions. Many bright ideas came from them. The errors, on the
other hand, are mostly mine.

I've corrected two errors:
* Change geo84:SpatialThing to nml:Locations (I actually forgot that we
defined that in nml. I was overzealous when correcting the
dtox:long/dtox:lat to geo84:long/geo84:lat.)
* <nml:relation type="source"> is valid XML, but not valid RDF; change
to <nml-rel:source> for RDF.

There are still a few more errors in the RDF: nml:port is a direct child
element of nml:bidirectionalport, and nml:bidirectionalport and nml:link
are direct child elements of nml:topology. That is fine in XML, but RDF
needs an explicit predicate. I don't think we've defined that yet. For
now I like to focus on the main issues, but welcome corrections!


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