[Nml-wg] [Fwd: [Nsi-wg] Notes from call 6-24]

Jeroen van der Ham vdham at uva.nl
Thu Jun 25 03:37:57 CDT 2009


Below are some points that were raised during an NSI conference call 
yesterday. I don't remember the details, but I believe we have had 
discussions on identifiers and how to relate these to domains. I also 
believe that this is more of an NML than an NSI issue.

Also note that Topology Aggregation/Abstraction is being discussed in 
the NSI, and I believe that our schema should also account for that.


> 2.
> We had a lot of discussion about how topology is shared, and what must  
> be shared for something to work.
> - Some discussion about how one finds out if a location is available.   
> We discussed that the edgepoints would be described as URIs and that  
> the URI would include information about the network/domain to which  
> the edgepoint belongs.  In addition a lookup service has been proposed  
> that will allow a dns-like name to be mapped to its URI.  This name  
> might be used in the request and then NSA would use the lookup service  
> to convert it to URI.
> - talked more about distinction between dataplane paths and control  
> plane paths.  They do not need to map to each other, and when finding  
> a global route one may find a set of NSAs that can provide an  
> interconnected dataplane path.  The NSAs would then figure out the  
> details of the route.
> - talked briefly about the distinction between route and topology.  We  
> referenced Radek's abstracted topology as example of topology and  
> route being a sequence of edge points and hints about how the  
> edgepoints are interconnected.  Guy will try to fill out this  
> distinction as part of the messaging he is working on.

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