[Nml-wg] Adaptations

Freek Dijkstra fdijkstr at science.uva.nl
Mon Jun 23 15:36:32 CDT 2008

Aaron Brown wrote:

>> We progressed quite a bit further, mostly deciding on named, adding 
>> adaptation and cross connects.
> What are the semantics of the adaptation element?

As for the semantics -- it is a combination of the adaptation and 
termination function as defined in G.805. But in the discussion we 
mostly used a bit less formal terms, something along the lines of "an 
upper (layer) port is 'implemented by' a lower (layer) port".

We didn't extensively discussed the semantic definitions, but rather 
used a few examples to verify if our class interrelations are correct.

Basically, an adaptation is a class, which is connected to 1..* client 
layer ports and 1..* server layer ports. Furthermore, each port can be 
the client layer port of 0..2 adaptations and the server layer port of 
0..2 adaptations. But in particular the 0..2 is open for discussion. (If 
you are interested, ask, but I need pictures to explain why it is 0..2 
instead of 0..1 and how we can limit this to 0..1 at the cost of 
defining more ports).


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