[NM-WG] nm-wg at OGF20, next week

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Thu May 3 17:21:10 CDT 2007

Hi folks,

OGF20 is being held next week (May 7-11) in Manchester, UK. NM-WG are holding three sessions, all on Tuesday 8th. The first is mostly for update talks to help identify the outstanding issues, which will be discussed in the second session. We also have talks from two European projects who are potential schemas users: CoreGRID and edutain at grid. The final session is for outreach to the wider OGF community. The full agenda is somewhere below.

I ordered a phone line for the first two sessions, but given the times we have...
  #1 starts at 10:30 UK, 06:30 Eastern Daylight Time, 03:30 Pacific Daylight Time
  #2 starts at 14:00 UK, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT
...I won't set up a conference call unless someone asks me to.

If you can make it...great, see you there.

If you can't...
- Please email me any issues that you'd like discussed
- Martin and Jason hope to soon circulate a new version of a schema document first seen at GGF19 (http://anonsvn.internet2.edu/svn/nmwg/trunk/nmwg/doc/nm-schema-base/nm-schema-base.html). This will also be discussed, so please email me/Martin/Jason any comments on the new version
- There will be notes

Finally, a quick advert for the Network Mark-up Language-WG's session on Wednesday 9th, 10:30-12:00. This is the group chaired by Martin and Paula Grosso, looking to facilitate development of a standardised network description ontology and schema.

Hope you're all well,


Session 1: 10:30-12:00 (1'30) NM-WG working session
Progress talks to highlight outstanding issues for discussion in the following session, plus two presentations from potential users of the NM-WG schemas.

0'15	NM-WG Intro and Update, Mark Leese (STFC)

0'20	perfSONAR Update, Jason Zurawski (Internet2)

0'25	A schema for Network Monitoring Session Description from CoreGRID,
	Augusto Ciufoletti (Università di Pisa)

0'25	Network and Runtime Monitoring in the edutain at grid SOA,
	Alexander Ploß (Universität Münster)

Session 2: 14:00-15:30 (1'30) NM-WG working session
Following the progress talks in the first session, detailed discussion of outstanding issues, e.g. how to represent network topology wrt work of NML-WG.

Session 3: 16:00-16:45 (0'45) Outreach
Outreach session, featuring abridged versions of talks for a wider audience.
The NM-WG progress talk feeds back details of discussions held in the the previous session.

0'15	NM-WG Update, Mark Leese (STFC) and Jason Zurawski (Internet2)

0'15	A schema for Network Monitoring Session Description from CoreGRID,
	Augusto Ciufoletti (Università di Pisa)

0'15	Network and Runtime Monitoring in the edutain at grid SOA,
	Alexander Ploß (Universität Münster)

Mark Leese

Senior Network Designer		tel: +44 (0)1925 603730
STFC, Daresbury Laboratory	http://gridmon.dl.ac.uk/~mjl

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