[nm-wg] SuperComputing

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Tue Oct 25 11:37:32 CDT 2005

Hi folks,

Following today's call, it looks like we'll have sufficient critical mass for a face-to-face meeting at SuperComputing (Seattle, November 12-18). If you'll be at SC and are interested in this, can you please let me know when you'd be available? If the meeting goes ahead, we'll try and get a phone line so others can join.

On a related note, can you please also let Susan or I know if you are planning to give any SC demos of software making use of the schemas (day and time)? We can then advertise them on the NM-WG website.

Notes from the call will follow on later.

Thanks for your continuing enthusiasm!


Mark Leese

Network Development Engineer	tel: +44 (0)1925 603730
CCLRC, Daresbury Laboratory	http://gridmon.dl.ac.uk/~mjl

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