[nm-wg] sessions at GGF13, Seoul

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Sun Feb 20 16:12:01 CST 2005

Hi folks,

Here are initial details of the NM-WG sessions Richard and I will be holding at GGF13 in Seoul. The exact times are yet to be fixed, but I wanted to send you this email as advance notice.

Thank you to Yuetsu Kodama from the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology for volunteering to give a talk. We are still looking for one or two more Asia-Pacific speakers. Hopefully more people will volunteer now that we have confirmed sessions!

Hope to see you there,


NM-WG sessions: Wednesday March 16th 1:30pm-3pm and 3:30pm-5pm in the Crystal Ballroom 1. 


* Introduction:
  - agenda bashing etc.

* Summary of current (version 1) schemas:
  - background & summary of requirements
  - what is possible and what isn't
  - summary of recent changes, e.g. adding support for representing
    traceroute results
  - opportunity to give feedback

* Demo of a recent implementation:
  - We hope to have a demonstration of recent European work, the NPM
    (network performance monitoring) prototype from EGEE-JRA4, which
    uses the version 1 schemas to obtain performance data from
    infrastructures such as WP7 from EDG and perfmonit from DANTE.

* Summary of new (version 2) schemas:
  - why we need new schemas
  - summary of developer's document, including examples
  - opportunity to give feedback

* Talks from Asia-Pac participants:
  - Yuetsu Kodama, AIST, Japan - Network Testbed GtrcNET-1 and its
    network measurement functions
  - Others TBA

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