[nm-wg] today's call, next call

Leese, MJ (Mark) m.j.leese at dl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 2 13:28:15 CDT 2005

Hi folks,

Notes on today's conference call are available here: http://nmwg.internet2.edu/minutes/2005/nmwg02Aug2005.txt
Please let me know if there are any corrections to be made.

The next call will be in two weeks, Tuesday 16th August at the usual time. The latest phone number is now on the NM-WG website. Until further notice, we'll use this number everytime we have a call. During the upcoming call we'll discuss the proposed demos for GGF15 (Boston, 3-6 October). Please let me know if you have any additional agenda items.

Look forward to speaking to you then!


Mark Leese

Network Development Engineer	tel: +44 (0)1925 603730
CCLRC, Daresbury Laboratory	http://gridmon.dl.ac.uk/~mjl

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