[Loa-rg] LoA survey invitation

Ning Zhang nzhang at cs.man.ac.uk
Fri May 25 10:18:50 CDT 2007

Dear LoA Colleagues,

The JISC funded ES-LoA project would like to consult with service and 
 identity providers and Grid/e-Science community for their views on using a 
 risk-based authentication and authorisation scheme. Such a scheme, built 
 on top of open standards based middleware such as Shibboleth, would take 
 into account the level of confidence in users' identification through 
 their identity and attribute assertions when deciding whether or not to 
 permit access to a particular resource.


May I invite you to take the time to answer the ES-LoA Survey questionnaire, available 
 from http://www.es-loa.org/output, by Friday 8th June 2007 -  you can either fill in the questionnaire on-line, or

download a copy and email your response 
 to es-loa at manchester.ac.uk.

Many thanks for your help in advance.



Dr N Zhang
Room KB 2.113
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
England, UK
Email: nzhang at cs.man.ac.uk
Tel: (+44) (0)161 275 6117
Fax: (+44) (0)161 275 6204
Web: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/cs/people/zhang
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