[jsdl-wg] Proposal for Resource section

Andrew Stephen McGough asm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Tue May 17 10:34:28 CDT 2005


Here is the idea Donal and I had during the JSDL telecon. We make the 
Resource element into a Resources element, this discribes the overall 
requirement for the job. Some elements are prepended with Total others 
with Individual (and some both). This then deals with the majority of 
job submissions - if you wish to describe different Resource elements 
then this can be added in as an extension. Outlined are the changes below:

   <CandidateHosts ... />?
   <CPUArchitecture .../>?
   <IndividualCPUSpeed .../>?
   <OverallCPUTime .../>?
   <TotalCPUCount .../>?
   <IndividualCPUCount .../>?
   <TotalResourceCount .../>?
   <IndividualPhysicalMemory .../>?
   <TotalPhysicalMemory .../>?
   <IndividualVirtualMemory .../>?
   <TotalNetworkBandwidth .../>?
   <IndividualNetworkBandwidth .../>?
   <IndividualDiskSpace .../>?
   <FileSystem .../>*
   <ExlusiveExecution .../>?
   <OperatingSystem .../>?

steve.. (and Donal)

Dr A. Stephen McGough                       http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~asm
Technical Coordinator, London e-Science Centre, Imperial College London,
Department of Computing, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK
tel: +44 (0)207-594-8409                        fax: +44 (0)207-581-8024
Assistant Warden, West Wing, Beit Hall, Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BB            tel: +44 (0)207-594-9910

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