[jsdl-wg] jsdl specification 0.9.3. (draft 14)

Michel Drescher Michel.Drescher at uk.fujitsu.com
Thu Mar 10 06:15:17 CST 2005


thanks for the release. A couple of remarks/comments (also to the 
schema and pseudo schema):

1) ch and (bandwidth and storage units)
I can understand your point here. I don't know why SI did not 
standardise Zebibits and Yebibits, but thinking of the speed of 
development in IT, these categories will soon be reached. On the other 
hand, there will be more evolved version of JSDL, so we still will have 
the chance to add these units.
In short, just drop them. :-)

2) ch. 5.1.1 JobDefinition
There's a mismatch here between spec 0.9.3 and the latest available 
schema regarding the attribute "JSDLVersion".
The specification defines this attribute, the schema does not.
Which is the correct version? As far as I understood the discussion 
(and the action point I got last Tuesday), the attribute JSDLVersion 
passes away, and the machine readable(!) version is encoded in the 
namespace (the year/month pattern). The specification then can still 
state "version 1.0" and define the normative namespace according to 
some GGF guideline.

3) ch. JobDescription pseudo schema
Here's a mismatch again. The latest available schema (and pseudo 
schema) show the attribute "sid" instead of "id".

4) ch. 5.1.4 Profile
The spec refers to "jsdl:Description", but the schema and the pseudo 
schema do not. They need to be changed.

4) ch. 5.2.1 JobIdentification
The pseudo schema and the schema show "jsdl:Description". Ch. 
also shows "jsdl:Description" here, but the list of sub elements still 
refers to "JobDescription".

5) ch. 5.4.1 Application element
THe spec refers to "jsdl:Description", but the schema and pseudo schema 
do not. They need to be changed.

6) ch. 5.4.6 Arguments / ch. 5.4.7 Argument element
The definition and the examples are inconsistent. The example to start 
Apache2 on a Windows box indicates that empty jsdl:Argument elements 
are allowed, but the definition does not mention this at all.
Proposal: Extend the definition of jsdl:Argument to allow empty 
elements, as long as at least one jsdl:Argument element is non-empty. 
This relaxes a bit the constraints on a JSDL document
creator, but increases a bit more the parsing and validation burden on 
the JSDL document recipient. I can live with that.

7) ch. 5.5.17 OperatingSystem
The spec refers to "jsdl:Description", but the schema and pseudo schema 
do not. They need to be changed.

8) Normative References
The URL for SI prefixes (we do not mess with SI units here!) is 
http://www.bipm.org/en/si/prefixes.htm - the binary prefixes can be 
found at http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html


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