[jsdl-wg] One Last Batch of Technical Queries

Andrew Stephen McGough asm at doc.ic.ac.uk
Mon Jun 6 05:04:17 CDT 2005

This is a simple list folks - all we need to make sure is that we 
clearly define what each item means. So come one come all!

Some ideas for defs:

x86 : Intel Based architecture derived from the 8086 chip set
x86_32 : an x86 processor capable of 32bit processing mode
x86_64 : an x86 processor capable of 64bit processing mode
ia64 : The Intel architecture 64bit processor


Christopher Smith wrote:

>On 3/6/05 03:37, "Michel Drescher" <Michel.Drescher at uk.fujitsu.com> wrote:
>>On 3 Jun 2005, at 11:22, Donal K. Fellows wrote:
>>>Processor Architectures (Table 4-2 in
>>>   Should 'x86' really be called 'ia32'? (I don't really care.)
>>'x86' is no doubt the more common term - to be honest, only a small
>>faint bell is ringing for ia32, and I am really not sure if this term
>>really exists. All tools, programs and descriptions I know (i.e. the
>>GNU tools collection) do all use x86 and ia64 to separate 32 bit and 64
>>bit architectures.
>Should we also add the (ever so popular) x86_64 to the
>ProcessorArchitectureEnumeration? ia64 really only describes Itanium.
>-- Chris

Dr A. Stephen McGough                       http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~asm
Technical Coordinator, London e-Science Centre, Imperial College London,
Department of Computing, 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK
tel: +44 (0)207-594-8409                        fax: +44 (0)207-581-8024
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