[jsdl-wg] Questions about JSDL schema

Ariel Oleksiak ariel at man.poznan.pl
Sun Jan 9 04:49:24 CST 2005

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Donal K. Fellows wrote:

Thanks for your answers! Please find a few addidtional questions below.

> I think we plan to make the first version actually submitted to the
> formal part of the GGF process into version 1.0; everything before that
> is "bleeding edge".

Ok, but when do you plan to do this? Are you going to introduce any 
changes to the current version? If we want to use it we just need a 
version of the schema to refer to it (to say that our implementation is 
based on JSDL version x.x, date: ...).
Next question is what is more up-to-date: XML schema or the specification?

>> 3. Why Source & Target in DataStaging are in one element? How to use
>> different name for an input and output file? We would suggest to add a
>> choice element above Source and Target or to define some separate elements:
>> e.g. SourceFiles and TargetFiles (probably of the same type).
> They are in a single element so you can have a (logical) file that is
> staged in, modified, and then staged out again. No file has to have both
> Source and Target, and I think there are use-cases for having neither
> (e.g. where you just want to closely control some deletion behaviour).

What if an input file differs from the output file (which is a very common 
use-case)? Then their FileName elements must be different so do you have 
to specify two DataStaging elements? What if in one of them both Source and 
Target are defined?

>> 11. Within the FileSystem element there is a sub-element MountPoint. Who
>> should specify this? A user? I think a more common use case is that users
>> use predefined variables (e.g. home, tmp) to specify paths that are 
>> relative
>> to these variables (but mount points depend on a local system).
> IIRC, the user can specify it and the system can either ensure that the
> FS is mounted, or it can just check to see if it is mounted and throw
> the job out if it isn't.

But MountPoint is a mandatory element. How to specify required disc space 
without knowledge about mount points on local systems?

We also noticed that some of elements (e.g. DataStaging) don't contain 
extensible elements (##other namespace). Is it an oversight or there is 
a reason for it?


> In the specific case of Java, there's a specialized ApplicationType
> (which needs some more fleshing out IIRC). But these are all good
> examples of "software resources". Thanks.
> Donal.

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