[jsdl-wg] Naming elements

Karl Czajkowski karlcz at univa.com
Thu Apr 7 04:46:34 CDT 2005

I think what I said before sounded too metaphysical.  I advocate a
pragmatic approach of practicing to only talk about concrete things:

  1. the JSDL Specification document, a human-consumed deliverable
     of the JSDL-WG

  2. the document types defined in (1)

  3. instance documents rooted by specific elements among (2)

It seems counterproductive and confusing to try to talk about a "JSDL
document" as some blessed thing that is not part of the normative
syntax of the specification.  Let's just take that extra few
key-presses to type "JobDefinition document" or whatever specific
element we are intending, and avoid lots of confusing discussions. :-)


On Apr 07, Donal K. Fellows loaded a tape reading:
> There is a JSDL document, which refers to a conformant JobDefinition
> element, and then there's the JSDL infoset which is all the elements
> defined in JSDL. You can meaningfully talk about a NetworkBandwidth
> element in isolation, but it has to be remembered that it is still a
> request for resource allocation for some purpose, even if it does not
> have the full structure around it.
> Donal.

Karl Czajkowski
karlcz at univa.com

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