[Isod-bof] ISOD-RG @OGF31 meeting presentations and summary

Yuri Demchenko y.demchenko at uva.nl
Wed Mar 30 17:56:51 CDT 2011

Dear ISOD-RG members,

The presentations from the meeting and one slide summary have been 
uploaded to the meeting page at

Meeting recommendations for the initial stage included
* Definition of the basic terms and concepts that should create
   a basis for future sustainable work on RG deliverables
* Assignment of the main contributors to the first ISOD RG deliverables
   and targeting to present initial draft at the next OGF32

For ISOD-RG Charter see
 > http://www.ogf.org/OGF30/materials/2209/isod-charter-draft-v14-ogf31.pdf

We are waiting for the list to be migrated to isod-rg at ogf.org and 
gridforge.org document area established. Meantime we can start 
discussion on some work items.

We can also plan our activity for the next two OGF meetings where we can 
expect more people to attend and contribute.

July 15-18, 2011
Co-Located with Teragrid'11
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

September 19-23, 2011 (tentative)
Co-Located with EGI Technical Forum
Lyon, France

Hope for our fruitful cooperation on ISOD-RG goals achievement.


Yuri Demchenko
Chin Guok
ISOD-RG co-chairs

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