[INFOD-WG] Chapter 1 changes

Shankar, Mallikarjun shankarm at ornl.gov
Thu Mar 22 10:40:35 CDT 2007

Here is a slightly edited and rearranged version of the abstract.


INFOD (Information Dissemination) provides a general means to determine
which messages are to be sent from which publishers to which consumers
based upon information kept in a registry. To support this, INFOD
specifies interfaces that allow the characterization (in the registry)
of publishers, consumers and various other components using vocabularies
that are meaningful to members of the communities they belong to.
INFOD also extends the publish/subscribe paradigm by allowing consumers
to be determined dynamically based on the message content. Additionally,
INFOD allows subscribers to determine which messages should be created
in response to events.

Notification-based interaction is common and several recent
specifications, including the the WS-Notification family of
specifications, address its operation. In particular, WS-Notification
offers a basic topic-based publish/subscribe pattern complemented by a
notify operation. INFOD components leverage the same notify operation as
a transport for interactions. 

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