[INFOD-WG] Saga Messaging API

Fisher, SM (Steve) S.M.Fisher at rl.ac.uk
Fri Feb 2 04:09:07 CST 2007

I attach the SAGA messaging draft. It is very simple. I think it has
little relevance to us - though perhaps it could be used as a WS-N
replacement. Below is the extract from the minutes when this was

Introduction of the Messaging API (Andre).

Q: Is the topology approach useful and simple enough to support the
80/20 rule?
A: Yes but it is build on top of the streams API and ensure to support
the needs of the different use cases.

Q: Are the labels for reliability correct?
A: They might not be the best, subject to be changed.

Q: The flags cannot be changed over time?
A: No, this might introduce to complex implementation and undefined
states if the connections are already setup.

Q: Is the message class "manage" flag good?
A: In terms of C++ no, we better have another scheme. Consider to define
in the language binding.

Q: Is this API not like MPI?
A: Yes MPI can be one implementation.

Q: Could we not dig into the use cases to set a list of usages and
submit it to the MPI folk?
A: Yes this is a good idea.

It would be good to see how MPI does the messaging and take some of the
syntax from it. TODO: Andre will tackle this and see how MPI did it and
map it back to the proposal.

Other groups in OGF are working on some sort of message communication.
Synchronization is necessary and planned.

TODO: The package name might not be good enough, seek a new name.
TODO: See what is different from MPI and list them.
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