[infod-wg] minutes from 8 Sep telecon

Chris Kantarjiev chris.kantarjiev at oracle.com
Thu Sep 8 13:41:58 CDT 2005

attending: steve f, chris (minutes), cecile, vijay

regrets: susan, dieter, abdeslem, arjun

- cecile specs: too close to ggf to try to get latest round of comments in.
   will try to do small cleanup, especially the organization of interfaces.
   that should all be in a white paper.

   post ggf, try to get closer to the wsn spec structure

   steve notes that too many sections contain 'such as', instead
   of being specific...

- steve use cases/patterns: since there is a request from dieter to
   modify the use case template, steve is a bit stymied about working
   on the use case doc. interfaces are still a bit fluid to try to
   nail down the use cases in text. cecile believes that the
   interfaces are fairly solid in concept, if not in specifics,
   and it is probably worth the exercise of completing one or
   two use cases with the current interface set. steve will
   work on the rgma use case to try to flesh things out.

- actions: close 1, 8. Steve will update the doc and send out
   the list of items due for next week.

- issues: close nothing, generate several actions... steve
   will update the doc.

- no news on GGF15 schedule.

next call in a week.

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