[infod-wg] Minutes from 23 June conference call

Cecile Madsen madsen at us.ibm.com
Thu Jun 23 11:26:09 CDT 2005

Attendees: Stephen, Chris, Dieter, Susan, SteveF, Cecile
Apologies: Abdeslem, Shankar


1- Upcoming F2F in Chicago - Agenda items:

Goal of the upcoming F2F in Chicago is to concentrate on use cases to
drive closure on some of our open issues, and thus update specs
accordingly. Agenda items are as follows (actual order tbd at F2F):

- review R-GMA scenario - diagrams, operations
- create new scenario for SensorNet
- review latest wsn, mapping with infod, pullpoint discussion
- review nextGrid Animation scenario updates
- add Replication as a use case scenario
- close some existing open issues (consumption description and role of
subscription in particular)

2. Review of the nextGrid Animation sequence diagram (Stephen)

-  went over questions raised by Stephen (also sent to infod mailing list
6/22) -
the open issues should be resolved in F2F
- discussion on subscribe of a 'new' member (or 'new' subscriber),
general context of 'subscribers' - how properties could be queried ie
information leveraged externally - not an infod requirement but rather an
interesting use case for infod registry
- reviewer: receiving email or receiving infod messages. 2 different
with different operations - need to describe the difference: will help
case when consumption is needed, and when it is not
- terminology cleanup in operation names (Cap letters, no / in name, etc.)

- Stephen to draft scenario 5 diagram and provide scenario 1 and 5 diagrams
into nextGrid use case document - sending that updated doc to mailing list

Next Conf Call:

Weekly call to resume July 7th - 9AM - Meeting notice will be sent later.

The INFOD Team
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