[infod-wg] 08/24 specs update - comments

Cecile Madsen madsen at us.ibm.com
Wed Aug 24 10:26:09 CDT 2005

Here are a few comments that came up while drafting the next
version of the INFOD specs, which will be available on gridforge soon
(anyone interested in current copy, let me know, I'll fwd it to you).

We'll go over that list in an upcoming (next ?)  INFOD call...
however, feel free to post your comments on this mailing list.

- GetMData is an operation of the RegistrationManager interface,
   which is different from the GetData operation of the GetData

- the INFOD message structure (xml) has been added to the Consume
  operation of the Consume interface. We haven't had any discussion
  on that format, so we need to review this in detail. I didn't change
  anything so this is the original format sent by Shailendra a while back.

- question came up as to whether PO Box needs to be an INFOD
  entity or can remain a service, ie something that implements both
  GetData and Consume interfaces, but doesn't have anything
  persisted in the RegistrationManager... currently, it is defined as
  a service.

- need confirmation that in WSN, the Subscription Manager interface
  is optional. I'll double check this today.  This is to
  how work wrt to wsn as all of the interesting infod scenarios assume
  the existence of a registry service that implements a RegistrationManager

- finally, it is not an easy task to draft up these specs. Most of the
  have been revamped by comments, issues, action items so we need
  your feedback to make good progress (ie not have to do rework)...
  Incidentally, section 3 still needs quite a lot of work (lots of
'todos'), so
  anyone interested, let me know :-)

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