[infod-wg] Minutes from 7 April telecon

Chris Kantarjiev chris.kantarjiev at oracle.com
Mon Apr 11 14:16:24 CDT 2005

Attending: Susan, Dieter, Chris (minutes), Abdeslem, Arjun, Steve

Apologies: Vijay, Cecile

Finalize the next (Oxford) F2F: there is some concern that the meeting is not
viable because too few will be able to attend. The decision, though,
is to have it - the focus will be on the use cases, at least looking
carefully at how the written use cases map to the requirements they
are meant to cover. Date to be Tues/Weds May 31st/June 1st. (THIS

Alignment of specification docs: Spec intro should be brief; expository
material will be in the use case doc (or a future white paper). Steve
will be responsible for the intro in both documents.

The other spec sections responsibilities remain as before:

1-2     Steve
3       Cecile & Chris
4       Vijay
5       Dieter
(who owns 6? Is there a 6?)
7-9     Chris & Vijay
10      Dieter
11      Vijay
Glos.   Vijay

Use case doc: Susan & Steve are on the verge of checking in a draft.

Question: how much of the vocabulary management issue really belongs
in our spec explicitly, instead of being considered a "meta" problem
that "everyone" will have to deal with?

We would like our basic specification to not rely on some vocabulary
manager - at least at the lowest level. We will pick a vocab or
two and just use it.

Registry should have the various objects, but we will introduce a
new component, the infod-schema, which describes the types of the
objects in the registry.  We hope that this is a stopgap until we
have a vocab mgr, but the expectation is that it will be fairly

It may not ever be done without, given that the base version
of our spec should continue to work without a vocab mgr.

* action to Dieter: to write this infod-schema idea up more clearly
for further discussion.

Next call 14 April.

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