[gsa-rg] Meeting minutes: 19 Jan 2006 telecon

Philipp Wieder ph.wieder at fz-juelich.de
Thu Jan 19 10:10:40 CST 2006

Dear All,

here are the meeting minutes (and you may find them on GridForge, too).

Best regards, Philipp.

Grid Scheduling Architetcure Research Group
Telecon 19 Jan 2006

Ariel Oleksiak
Nicola Tonellotto
Philipp Wieder
Ramin Yahyapour


1) Use case document
2) Requirements document
3) GGF 16
4) AOB

Use case document
- The document will be finalised before GGF 16. Philipp is
   currently proof-reading it.

Requirements document
- History:
  + At GGF 15 the essential GSA functions have been agreed
    upon. This is already reflected by the document.
  + The progress in writing input for the different
    functions was somehow slow, one possible reason may
    be the missing common structure for all functions.
  + This resulted in the creation of a template (thanks Ariel):
  + In addition Ariel created an example (performance prediction):

- Review of the template:
  + Rename "existing technologies" to "references" and
    increase the box size.
  + In general only one box per row, with some exceptions.
  + Re-name "actors" to "acting entities".
  + There is no pre-defined list of "actors", this seems
    to be necessary.
  + Do we need help with the "references" from other groups?
    A (Ramin): Not necessarily, we put in what we have. No
    claim to be exhaustive. The document review may
    result in more.
  + One sub-subsection per function in the document plus
    an introductionary text.
  + Add a short name for every requirement.

- We use the performance prediction exmaple for GGF 16.

[act, Ariel] Change the template.
[act, Ramin] Compile list of "acting entities".

GGF 16
- Concerning the agenda see the following email thread:

[act, Philipp] Contact Thomas to finalise agenda.

- Ramin takes care of another top-level task group for
   daily group bizniz.

Next telecon
03 Feb 2006, 15:00 CET, details via gsa-rg at ggf.org list

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