[Gridvirt-wg] Introduction of the DSA Group at UCM

Ignacio Martin Llorente llorente at dacya.ucm.es
Tue Apr 3 13:04:23 CDT 2007

Dear Wolfgang, Erol and rest of WG members,

As new subscribers to the GridVirt WG mailing list, we would like to
introduce ourselves. We are part of the Distributed Systems Architecture
group (http://asds.dacya.ucm.es) at UCM. As you can see in our web page, we
are involved in different grid technology projects and infrastructures (as
well as in other OGF working and research groups). Our main technology
product is Gridway (http://www.GridWay.org), now a Globus project, a widely
used meta-scheduling technology for Globus based Grid.

We are highly interested in this working group as we have just started a new
project on virtualization and grid. The GridHypervisor
(http://www.GridHypervisor.org) project aims to enable the large-scale,
reliable, efficient and dynamic deployment and re-allocation of virtual
machines on physical resources belonging to different administrative
domains. As in other projects developed by the group, the technology will be
released as open-source software under the Apache license. The
GridHypervisor engine will be based on the GridWay technology for job
metascheduling in grid infrastructures. The main objective is to extend our
expertise and technologies on job metascheduling to VM metascheduling.
GridHypervisor will rely on Globus components, mainly on the Virtual
Workspaces Service (VWS). 

Please let us know if you are meeting at OGF20, as we would like to
participate in the sessions.

Thank you for your time in the coordination of this WG,


Ignacio Martin Llorente
GridWay, Meta-scheduling Technologies for the Grid http://www.gridway.org
You are invited to visit our research web page http://asds.dacya.ucm.es

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