[GRIDRPC-WG] Library for the GridRPC _and_ GridRPC Data Management standards available

Yves Caniou yves.caniou at ens-lyon.fr
Tue Oct 22 05:50:54 EDT 2013

Dear All

It has been a while that the mailing list has not been used, but there was 
work progressing underneath :
Some time ago, we did a prototype for the GridRPC Data Management API, that we 
mostly used to check if things were missing to the API relying on practical 

I'm glad to inform you that a new, very modular and already working library 
has been made available, which provides both the GridRPC _and_ most of the 
GridRPC Data Management API. This new implementation has already many modules 
to manage different communication protocols (hopefully more to come); it also 
allows a single GridRPC client program to call more than one Grid middleware 
for services and much more.
Additionally everything has been made to ease module development (no name 
conflicts: If the Grid middleware is already GridRPC compliant, the module is 
more or less empty, if not, it is thus really possible to make it compliant).

The different modules available are 
- Grid middleware modules for DIET and Ninf, and 
- Data Manager modules for Dagda, iRods, Owncloud, Rsync, Scp.

The library uses cmake and can be configured and installed with the provided 
generator.sh script.
Please check the install/testing/ repository from where you can launch a 
complete local deployment/execution/shutdown of DIET and Ninf by just calling 
the as-is furnished script.

Please download, contribute to code or send your returns:




Associate Professor at Université de Lyon
Délégation CNRS at JFLI, University of Tokyo

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