[GRIDRPC-WG] DIET 2.8 is available

Eddy Caron Eddy.Caron at ens-lyon.fr
Mon Nov 14 20:48:38 CST 2011

Dear all,

	Attend the DIET Special Event at SC'11 with ... the new release of DIET 

		DIET 'SC11' Release 2.8 and tools are now available on the DIET Web Site: http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/DIET/download.html

	Visit INRIA booth #127 and SysFera booth #4211 at SC'11 

1. What's new in DIET 'SC11' 2.8 ?

* Features:
        - New forwarders: they do not need a configuration file anymore, and they can be started at any time.
        - CORBA calls are more robust: Two handlers for communication failures and transient exceptions have been added. 
        - a new tool has been introduced: dietObjects. It mimics the behavior of nameclt, but restricted to DIET CORBA objects.
	- dietObjects also shows which object is managed by which forwarder (or through which forwarder an object is accessible).

* Compilation 

        - DIET now requires Boost to compile.
        - removed dependency towards libuuid, we now use Boost UUID instead
        - endianness is now managed with Boost
        - replaced usage of fnmatch by boost:regex
        - intermediary libraries are not installed anymore

* Source code organization:

        - we now use a modified version of cpplint (http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py) 
	  for checking our code against our coding standards.
        - we removed all deprecated code and documentation:
          	- JXTA: was used to build a multi-MA hierarchy using a P2P approach
          	- DTM: the former data manager
          	- JUXMEM: was a P2P data manager used in conjunction with DTM
          	- FD: fault detector
          	- FAST: performance evaluation plugin
          	- TAU: a code profiler
        	- old CVS headers have been removed and replaced by Doxygen headers
        	- move FWorkflow.dtd from /etc to /usr/share/diet since it's application data (accordingly to FHS)

* List of available packages 

	- Debian 'Sid'
	- Fedora 16 
	- Fedora 15 

* Bug Fix:

        - Forwarders now unregister themselves from omniNames when they are shut down properly.
        - Forwarders can be launched after any DIET element
        - To avoid problems when a file managed by DAGDA is modified outside DAGDA, we know compute the files sizes before any transfer.
        - Let CMake manage rpath. Thus, you need to explicitly set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.

2. What's new in LogServices 'SC11' 2.8 ? 

* Features:

        - New forwarders: they do not need a configuration file anymore, and they can be started at any time.
        - CORBA calls are more robust: Two handlers for communication failures and transient exceptions have been added. 

* Source code organization:

        - we now use a modified version of cpplint (http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cpplint/cpplint.py) 
	  for checking our code against our coding standards.

* List of available packages 

	- Debian 'Sid'
	- Fedora 16 
	- Fedora 15 

* Bug Fix:

        - Forwarders now unregister themselves from omniNames when they are shut down properly.
        - Forwarders can be launched after LogCentral or a tool.
        - Let CMake handle rpath

Eddy Caron. Mcf HDR ENS Lyon 
ENS Lyon - LIP - Projet GRAAL 
46 Allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France
E-Mail : Eddy.Caron at ens-lyon.fr
[ Tel : ][ Web page : http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~ecaron ]

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