[GRAAP-WG] [Fwd: [ogsa-wg] SLA terms for data services]

Ph. Wieder ph.wieder at fz-juelich.de
Sat Sep 22 19:25:26 CDT 2007

Dear All,

I just forward you this FYI.

Best regards, Philipp.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[ogsa-wg] SLA terms for data services
Date: 	Sun, 23 Sep 2007 08:20:17 +0900
From: 	Hiro Kishimoto <hiro.kishimoto at jp.fujitsu.com>
Organisation: 	Fujitsu
To: 	ogsa-wg <ogsa-wg at ogf.org>

Hi Andrew, Mark, and Steve,

OGSA-Data WG has a suggested service level terms (they call policies)
in their OGSA data architecture document.

- Throughput: the number of access requests that can be satisfied
   per unit time.
- Response time: the time allowed to satisfy an access request.
- Availability: the percentage of time that the service must be up.
- Recovery time: time allowed for the service to recover from a
- Data resiliency: a specification of the effort the service should
   make to ensure that data is not lost in the face of failures.
- Access accuracy: if the primary source of some data is not available,
   how should the service act?  Report an error?  Find an alternate
   source (with potentially stale data)?  Return partial answers?
   Another term for this policy might be degradation of answers.
- Currency of data: can the data used by the service, and the data
   returned, be out of date?  If so, by how much?

I've put them on GridForge SLT design team wiki page for future

Hiro Kishimoto

  ogsa-wg mailing list
  ogsa-wg at ogf.org

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