[GRAAP-WG] Updated Comments sheet

Toshiyuki Nakata t-nakata at cw.jp.nec.com
Fri Dec 8 01:48:07 CST 2006

Updated in order to reflect two minor points.

1) In section 7.1 (Agreement States), the text
"Terminated - The terminated state means that an Agreement offer has been
terminated by the Agreement Initiator and that the obligation no longer
exists. This state MAY follow Pending, PendingAndTerminating, Observed or
ObservedAndTerminating when the termination decision is made." implies that
a transition from Pending directly to Terminating is possible, yet no such
transition is depicted in the diagram of the agreement state model.

I am afraid this had been a cut & paste error on my part :-( :-(
The pre-thanksgiving version already does have the necessary arrow.

Section 8.2 Forms of Acceptance.
The second last sentence:
"The initiator MAY still determine the result of by other means such as
querying the status of the resulting Agreement."
appears to be missing some words between "of" and "by".


… Will be fixed.:-(
Candidate is..
"The initiator MAY still determine the responder’s response to
wsag:CreatePendingAgreement offer by other means such as querying the status
of the resulting Agreement."

#responder's response is a bit redundant..

Toshiyuki Nakata 中田 登志之
Executive Chief Engineer, Central Research Lab. NEC 
1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-Ku, 
Kawasaki,Kanagawa 211-8666,Japan 
Tel +81-44-431-7653 (NEC Internal 22-60035)
Fax +81-44-431-7609 (NEC Internal 22-60509) 

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