[graap-wg] Telecon on 9/21

Jim Pruyne jim_pruyne at hp.com
Tue Sep 20 18:16:20 CDT 2005


We will hold a telecon on 9/21.  The times are numbers are the usual:

Start Time:
10:00 AM Central US
11:00 AM Eastern US
8:00 AM Pacific US
1700 Germany
1600 UK
Midnight Japan

Dial in numbers:  866-673-8466 or 702-477-6031 code 8578310.

The primary topic for this telecon will be plans for GGF the first week 
of Oct.  For those who cannot attend this telecon, please let me and the 
other chairs know if you plan to attend.  Particularly if we've 
discussed with you in the past about the possiblity of you speaking at 
this GGF.  I would like to get the roster of speakers finalized soon so 
that we can put the sessions together and give people an idea which 
session and how much time they will have.


--- Jim

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