[graap-wg] Telecon on 3/21

Jon MacLaren maclaren at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Mar 21 09:12:53 CST 2005

Just to comment on a couple of these points...

On Mar 21, 2005, at 3:36 AM, Karl Czajkowski wrote:
> My impression is that it is an uphill battle to convince the OGSA-BES
> group to consider seriously using WS-Agreement, while they all seem
> clear on the idea of using JSDL.  I think this is due to several
> facts:
>   1) They are on an aggressive schedule and so have some conservatism.

I believe that they were talking about getting interoperable 
implementations by the end of 2005, which is very aggressive...

>   2) There are some preconcieved notions of what BES should be that
>      look more like GRAM or other job-specific interfaces.

A strawman interface was presented, but this was (I felt) little more 
than "these are the things that BES should support".  Pre-conceived is 
a little harsh - everything presented can be changed.

>   3) There was a bit of the lingering anti-wsrf sentiment floating
>      around Seoul.

There has been some excellent discussion on the OGSA-WG list just prior 
to this meeting on whether or not WS-RF is necessary, and if it is, 
what is it necessary for?  But to be fair, it's not "sentiment" - there 
are some very astute people saying that the Grid community doesn't need 
WS-RF.  Unfortunately, in Seoul, there was practically no debate on 
this subject (at least, not inside of the WG sessions!).  I would 
expect to see this being played out in the OGSA-BES list.  It's a 
debate that needs to happen.


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