[graap-wg] Resource Property for State of the Agreement.

nakata nakata at mtg.biglobe.ne.jp
Sun Jun 26 15:58:06 CDT 2005

1)Just as a memo, Resource Property description corresponding to 7.1 below.
2)Can someone please teach me how I can access the *newest* file?
or else please send it to me so that I can acces it during the GRAAP

results in an error for Netscape and the August version of last year for
IE6.1 :-(

Best Regards

7.1 Agreement States

The overall Agreement has a state derived from the Agreement protocol.

? Pending. The Pending state means that an Agreement offer has been
received but it has been neither accepted nor rejected. This state can
only result from use of the wsag:createPendingAgreement operation.

? Observed. The Observed state means that an Agreement offer has been
received and accepted. This state MAY follow Pending.

? Rejected. The Rejected state means that an Agreement offer has been
received and rejected. This state MAY follow Pending, and can only
result from use of the wsag:createPendingAgreement operation.

? Complete. The Complete state means that an Agreement offer has been
received and accepted, and that all activites pertaining to the
Agreement are finished

Jim Pruyne wrote:

>As Toshi noticed, the session has been moved once again, ironically back
>to the spot it was originally allocated in. Unless it changes again,
>we'll see folks at 2:30 on Tues.
>--- Jim
>nakata wrote:
>>Jim Pruyne wrote:
>>>They are attached. We'll see folks at GGF next week. Have good travels.
>>>--- Jim
>>>- GGF Sessions: Three are scheduled.
>>>Status session on the 29th at 4:00.
>>>Experience session on the 29th at 6:00.
>>>Next steps session on the 30th at 11:00.
>>I looked at the current schedule listing in
>>today and it says..
>>Jun 28
>>2:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
>>Grid Resource Allocation Agreement Protocol - WG
>>Calendar: Wellington 1
>>WS-Agreement experience Reports
>>Moderator: Jim Pruyne
>>Hs it been re-shifted?
>>(I do like this one beteer but I thought I'd better check..)
>>Best Regards

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