[graap-wg] question regarding offer example (pp. 48-51)

Tiziana Ferrari tiziana.ferrari at cnaf.infn.it
Fri Jan 21 03:49:13 CST 2005

Hi all,
I have a question regarding the offer example appears in the appendix of the 
ws-agreement specification (latest version of the document).
In that example there's a service description term that refers to service 
name "ComputeJob2", but the service scope of the guarantees all point to 
"ComputeJob1". I don't see the need of having service names that never 
appear in at least one guarantee term scope. Could you explain the meaning 
of this?

Thank you in advance,

Tiziana Ferrari            Tiziana.Ferrari at cnaf.infn.it
Italian National Inst. for Nuclear Physics / CNAF

v.le Berti Pichat 6/2, 40127 BOLOGNA, ITALY
tel: +39.051.6092.759      fax:+39.051.6092.746

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