[graap-wg] updated draft

Karl Czajkowski karlcz at univa.com
Tue Apr 5 04:54:29 CDT 2005

On Apr 05, Toshiyuki Nakata loaded a tape reading:
> Another tiny question
> 9.5	Port Type wsag:AgreementState
> Is this really Port Type or should it be moved to Resource Property 
> within 9.4	Port Type wsag:Agreement ?
> Best Regards

I was hoping someone could explain to me why it was separated. :-) I
think that happened during the time I was away from GRAAP-WG last

I think a general question is whether PendingAgreement should be an
add-on to an Agreement portType and, likewise, whether
PendingAgreementFactory should be an add-on to AgreementFactory. If
so, I think the shared states should be RPs on Agreement and
AgreementFactory, respectively. If not, I think there should be
separate AgreementState and AgreementFactoryState RPs that can be
included in the RPs for each of the four disjoint portTypes.

I prefer treating the Pending variants as add-ons rather than disjoint
options. Remembering that WS and WSRF treat portType names as somewhat
inconsequential, this would show up as "directed" implications that if
a particular operation or RP appears, others MUST (or SHOULD?) appear
in the port as well.


p.s. was there a call today?  I never saw any announcement nor

Karl Czajkowski
karlcz at univa.com

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