[glue-wg] about Glue2.1 draft, CLOUD and GPGPU extension

Alessandro Paolini alessandro.paolini at egi.eu
Tue Apr 26 04:55:01 EDT 2016

Dear all,

please find in the attachement a new version of the draft with the
modifications suggested by Stephen:

- all the new objects called "CloudComputeXxx" were renamed
"CloudComputingXxx" to be consistent with the existing objects

- Modified the definition of Benchmark class including the relation to
cloud objects; deleted the Benchmark paragraph in the cloud section

- updated the StorageAccessProtocol definition adding the relation with

- after the recent changes, it needs to produce a new version of some of
the UML class diagrams

With Stephen, we also noticed that there are still some open questions that
need to be discussed in the group:

- The naming of ToCloudStorageService is maybe not ideal since it suggests
that it relates to a CloudStorageService object, which isn't true. We may
want to discuss that more in the group. An option could be
*CloudComputingServiceToStorageService*, but that's quite long - for the
2.0 schema we decided to make it shorter, but that creates a small problem
now. Or maybe it should have a different naming style, since it's somewhat
different to the existing object.
Other options: *CloudToStorageService* (to keep the name short), ...

- in the StorageService definition is not included the relation to
ToComputingService class so do we need to include the association to
ToCloudComputingService? Same question for StorageService and
ToStorageService / ToCloudStorageService classes

Best regards,

Dr. Alessandro Paolini
Operations Officer - EGI.eu
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
skype: alessandro.paolini.egi
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