[glue-wg] about Glue2.1 draft, CLOUD and GPGPU extension

Alessandro Paolini alessandro.paolini at egi.eu
Wed Apr 20 10:40:13 EDT 2016

Dear all,

recently the CREAM developers at INFN modified and added some attributes in
the GLUE2.1 draft regarding GPUs (now called more generally Accelerators).

You can find the new version of the document attached at this email for
your convenience and also at the following link:


Please let us know if you have any suggestion.

I would like also to schedule a teleconference for presenting and
discussing the modifications so we can move on this matter for having the
extension approved and then implemented.

Since in the next weeks there are being some national holidays in the
Netherland, we could schedule this meeting around the middle of May (either
2nd or 3rd week), depending also on your availability: let me know what you

Best regards,

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: glue2.1 draft including Accelerator specific attributes
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 15:14:40 +0200
From: Marco Verlato <Marco.Verlato at pd.infn.it> <Marco.Verlato at pd.infn.it>
To: Alessandro Paolini <alessandro.paolini at egi.eu>
<alessandro.paolini at cnaf.infn.it>
CC: Virtual Team GPGPU <vt-gpgpu at mailman.egi.eu> <vt-gpgpu at mailman.egi.eu>,
EGI-Engage Task WP4.4 "Accelerated Computing"
<egi-engage-wp4.4 at mailman.egi.eu> <egi-engage-wp4.4 at mailman.egi.eu>

Dear Alessandro and GPGPU Virtual Team,
after the discussion we had in Amsterdam, and after having included the
IISAS suggestions, we at INFN have produced a new version for the
GLUE2.1 draft that adds some new attributes and replaces the GPU
specific attributes with more general Accelerator attributes (to include
possible support of MIC and FPGA architectures).
Both Computing Service and Cloud Compute Service related classes have
been modified to accomodate the new attributes (they are all marked with
the comment "added for AC support").

Please have a look at the draft

Comments, suggestions, further addition of possibly forgotten relevant
attributes  are welcome.

Thanks and regards,


Marco Verlato Ph.D
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Padova
Via Marzolo 8 - 35131 Padova - ITALY
Office: Room 119, Via Belzoni 7
Phone:+390499677361, Fax:+390498275952, Email:verlato(at)pd.infn.it

Dr. Alessandro Paolini
Operations Officer - EGI.eu
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
skype: alessandro.paolini.egi
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    "as an antidote to hatred and terror"
          "A day without laughter"
             "is a wasted day" >>> Charlie Chaplin
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