[glue-wg] On BDII performance was Re: When is data stale?

Florido Paganelli florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se
Fri Apr 24 04:49:37 EDT 2015

Hi Marteen,

On 2015-04-24 01:09, Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch wrote:
> Hi Florido, all,
>> [...]
>> 5) ldap-add new objects -- which boils down to ldap-adding a whole new
>> LDIF document (that is,  the entire DB) in most of the cases due to --
>> guess what -- CrationTime and Validity which are always changing!!! :D
> If that were true, we would not have abandoned the old method:
> populate a fresh DB in the background, switch when it is ready.

Good to know then!
I cannot tell how much is ldapadded, I speak for what I've seen running
a top-bdii myself testing the data I produce with ARC, for sure all our
records end up being added again due to timestamp change.

But you guys did the benchmarks, you know better, and you don't
aggregate only ARC stuff, so I blindly trust you. As I said I am not a
BDII developer!

As I said already, there's a lot of very smart ideas on how BDII works
wrt performance.

 Florido Paganelli
   ARC Middleware Developer - NorduGrid Collaboration
   System Administrator
 Lund University
 Department of Physics
 Division of Particle Physics
 221 00 Lund
 Office Location: Fysikum, Hus B, Rum B313
 Office Tel: 046-2220272
 Email: florido.paganelli at REMOVE_THIShep.lu.se
 Homepage: http://www.hep.lu.se/staff/paganelli

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