[glue-wg] Need help setting up OGF teleconference

Navarro, John-Paul F. navarro at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jan 15 08:26:07 EST 2014

Thanks Andre for setting up the hangout.

Proposed detailed agenda:

1) Enumeration approval process discussion
   a) requestor sends requested enumeration to the glue list
   b) enumeration coordinator or wg chairs verify that
      1) Namespace - if it uses a DNS-style name does the requestor reasonably justify relating it to that domain, i.e. do they speak for the relevant project or is it clearly related to a standard service provided by the project.
      2) Checking that we don't already have something suitable in the existing list.
      3) Sanity checking that the value is naming something that matches the conceptual purpose of the enumeration
      4) Announce that proposed enumeration has been verified and will be added to the list in 2 weeks unless someone raises concerns
   c) after 2 weeks the enumeration coordinator adds new enumerations to the official list

2) Cloud support changes (Salvatore)
   Walk thru the key elements of the revised GLUE specification (2.1) sent out by Salvatore:
> From: Salvatore Pinto <salvatore.pinto at egi.eu>
> Subject: [glue-wg] GLUE 2.1 (Cloud extension) for discussion
> Date: January 14, 2014 at 5:01:58 AM CST
> To: "GLUE WG (glue-wg at ogf.org)" <glue-wg at ogf.org>

3) LDAP and JSON rendering work status (Florido, Stephen, Warren)

4) Other activity status


JP Navarro

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