[glue-wg] [Enumerations] change of ServiceType_t org.nordugrid.information.egiis

Florido Paganelli florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se
Tue Feb 19 09:03:08 EST 2013

Hi all,

I'd like to change the ServiceType_t


agreed long time ago to


The motivation is that after thinking about it it is very bad to have 
some capability-related aspect in the namespace. Capabilities should 
identify the scope(s) of a Service, and they should not be part of the 
namespace IMHO.

If no objections, I'll proceed with the changes.

EGIIS is ARC's own information index, based on LDAP. At the moment is 
not GLUE2-enabled but we might like to publish its existence in some 
information system (like GOCDB) using GLUE2 naming.

  Florido Paganelli
    ARC Middleware Developer - EMI Project
    System Administrator
  Lund University
  Division of Particle Physics
  221 00 Lund
  Office Tel: 046-2220272
  Email: florido.paganelli at REMOVE_THIShep.lu.se

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