[glue-wg] Glue1 material?

Florido Paganelli florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se
Tue Dec 3 05:34:18 EST 2013

Hi all,

We have a problem. I was searching for reference documents to Glue1
today and I couldn't find any. Appartently the one and only:


has been removed from sourceforege and never moved to redmine.

Anybody who has a copy willing to add it back in redmine?

I am also searching for references on how it is used in the current
EGI/OpenGrid deployment, probably some of you can give me pointers.

 Florido Paganelli
   ARC Middleware Developer - NorduGrid Collaboration
   System Administrator
 Lund University
 Department of Physics
 Division of Particle Physics
 221 00 Lund
 Office Tel: 046-2220272
 Email: florido.paganelli at REMOVE_THIShep.lu.se
 Homepage: http://www.hep.lu.se/staff/paganelli

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