[glue-wg] flat xml rendering

Warren Smith wsmith at tacc.utexas.edu
Thu Sep 6 18:50:20 EDT 2012

Ok, I see what you are saying - I'm just now looking at the schema and I had some assumptions about it that weren't correct. However, after a little reading about XPath, it looks like there are a few ways that you can return all activities without requiring an Activities element as a parent.

/Entities/*[contains(local-name(),'Activity')] - returns all elements under Entities that have 'Activity' in them

/Entities/*[substring(name(), string-length(name()) - 7) = 'Activity'] - returns all elements under Entities that end in 'Activity'

These XPath expressions aren't as nice as '/Entities/Activities/*', but they aren't that bad and I don't know how often this case will come up. In XPath 2.0, it looks like there is an 'ends-with()' function that allows a much simpler version of the 2nd expression above. I personally wouldn't use the additional complexity of these XPath statements as a reason to add *s parent elements.

Sorry that I had to miss the last telecon since I was on vacation, so I apologize if some of my comments about the schema were discussed:

* My preference is to do away with all ...s grouping elements. I still don't see them as being needed (or desired).

* If the decision is to keep the ...s grouping elements (I hope not! :-P ), the schema should probably use them consistently (e.g. wherever the element has maxOccurs="unbounded"). They aren't being used right now in quite a few spots: Location, Contact, the elements at the end of ExtensibleEntities_t, and number of other complexType definitions.

* Why is there a BaseType="..." attribute on many of the elements? It seems like redundant information and looking at the schema, I can't figure out why they are needed...

* The Extension representation is slightly different from how I defined them in the TeraGrid schema. This schema has elements for LocalID and Key (as well as Value). For the TeraGrid schema, I had an Extension element with Key as an attribute (I forgot to include a LocalID attribute), and the text of the Extension element was the value. This schema mostly avoids attributes, so using elements probably makes more sense...

That's all I notice at this point.


-----Original Message-----
From: david.meredith at stfc.ac.uk [mailto:david.meredith at stfc.ac.uk] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 10:00 AM
To: Warren Smith; stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk; florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se; glue-wg at ogf.org
Subject: RE: [glue-wg] flat xml rendering

Hi Warren,
In the glue2_2.xsd at http://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/glue-wg?folder_id=32, there is no '<ComputingActivites>,' only '<Activities>' which serves to group the elements that are substitutable for the 'AbstractActivity' substitutionGroup (so currently this includes both 'Activity' and 'ComputingActivity' - and of course any activities that may be profiled in the future that may also define the same substitutionGroup). The relevant XSD fragment is as follows (line 139) - note that it simply serves as a wrapper around AbstractActivity: 
<element name="Activities" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
       <element ref="glue:AbstractActivity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>   

Therefore, given the following instance doc: 

<Entities... >
        <glue:Activity BaseType="Activity">
        <glue:ComputingActivity BaseType="Activity">
            <glue:State>some state</glue:State>

        ...here nest more elements that can substitute for the AbstractActivity substitutionGroup...

To select all of the different flavours of Activity in a single query, you could use the following XPath: '/Entities/Activities/*'.   Similarly, for all services; '/Entities/Services/*' and for all Endpoints; '/Entities/Endpoints/*' etc.  I guess it depends if you think this is useful. Without the 'Activities' element, to select all the different types of activity, you would currently need to issue two XPath queries and concat the two docs: '/Entities/Activity' and '/Entities/ComputingActivity'.  

Personally, I think it is useful to be able to select/collapse all of the Services, Endpoints, Activities etc with one button click or query, especially when considering large documents that may have 1000s of endpoints listed. Either way, it's only a small change from the version that does not define these grouping elements (http://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/glue-wg?folder_id=31) 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Warren Smith [mailto:wsmith at tacc.utexas.edu]
> Sent: 31 August 2012 14:48
> To: Burke, Stephen (STFC,RAL,PPD); Meredith, David (STFC,DL,SC); 
> Meredith, David (STFC,DL,SC); florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se; 
> glue-wg at ogf.org
> Subject: RE: [glue-wg] flat xml rendering
> My general opinion is not to have any -ies elements (e.g. 
> ComputingActivities) to group elements. To me, this grouping of 
> elements (e.g. ComputingActivity) isn't needed in XML. It doesn't seem 
> to make it any easier to process the XML using SAX or DOM. It seems 
> easy to find all -y elements in a document without a -ies element as a 
> parent for visualizing. Similarly, it also seems easy to find -y 
> elements in an XML document if you want to translate it to LDAP or SQL or whatever.
> I haven't really done much xPath... Can someone explain how grouping 
> elements would help? It seems like either way you'd include 
> 'ComputingActivity' in the expression. That is the expression would 
> start with "/Entities/ComputingActivities/ComputingActivity..." or 
> "/Entities/ComputingActivity...".
> Warren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On 
> Behalf Of stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 5:20 AM
> To: david.meredith at stfc.ac.uk; david.meredith at stfc.ac.uk; 
> florido.paganelli at hep.lu.se; glue-wg at ogf.org
> Subject: Re: [glue-wg] flat xml rendering
> glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On
> > Behalf Of david.meredith at stfc.ac.uk said:
> > I think these group elements could be useful for simplifying XPath 
> > queries and for visualizing large documents with tools that can 
> > collapse/expand elements (see attached image, also uploaded at the 
> > following link).
> Bear in mind that in the production Grid there are about 4000 
> endpoints, so grouping may not help a lot with visualisation unless you do it more finely.
> Stephen
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