[glue-wg] OGF 35 meeting and preparation reminder

JP Navarro navarro at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jun 15 09:16:18 EDT 2012


Based on the discussions on the list Shiraz and I propose the following revised agenda:

Revised agenda:

i) XML rendering (1 hour)
   1) Style: hierarchical, hybrid, or flat; pros and cons; try to reach consensus and vote
   2) Do we need a Global element?
   3) How to implement cross-references
   4) Substitution group discussion and agreement
   Likely action items: need someone to work on the XML rendering document and the normative XML schema
ii) LDAP rendering document next steps (10 minutes)
iii) EGI service names and types discussion (10 minutes)
iv) Future directions discussion: JSON rendering, etc. (10 minutes)


Recent action items to prepare for this meeting:

Action Item: Provide a slide for OGF on how to implement the Glue Entities Bag high-level element, probably with example: Assigned to: David

Action Item: A slide will be presented in next OGF to explain the problem in greater detail. Assigned to: Warren, JP (may have been covered in e-mails already).

We will post meeting call-in information when it's available.


JP and Shiraz

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