[glue-wg] Open enumeration values that dCache publishes

Paul Millar paul.millar at desy.de
Tue Jul 3 11:54:30 EDT 2012


A little while ago (err, perhaps not that recently), Florido Paganelli 
started an initiative to collect the values currently being published 
for open-enumeration attributes.  This was to populate a list of 
definitive values; to avoid publishers provide distinct values that have 
the same (or sufficiently similar) meaning, and to identify and 
reconcile if this is already happening.

Below is a list of open-enumeration values that dCache info-provider can 
publish.  I've grouped the enumerations by entity and written each 
enumeration value like this:

  <entity-type>.<attribute>:  <enumeration-value>

The actual set of values published by any dCache instance will be a 
subset of this, which depends on configuration, current operating 
conditions, etc.




     StorageService.Type:        org.dcache.storage
     StorageService.Capability:  data.access.flatfiles
     StorageService.Capability:  data.management.storage
     StorageService.Capability:  data.management.transfer
     StorageService.Capability:  data.transfer
     StorageService.Capability:  security.delegation

     DataStore.Type:  disk

     StorageServiceCapacity.Type:  online
     StorageServiceCapacity.Type:  nearline

     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  xrootd
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  file
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  dcap
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  gsidcap
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  ftp
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  gsiftp
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  gkftp
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  http
     StorageAccessProtocol.Type:  https

     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   xroot
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   file
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   dcap
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   gsidcap
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   ftp
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   gsiftp
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   gkftp
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   http
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   https
     Endpoint.InterfaceName:   SRM
     Endpoint.Capability:      data.management.storage
     Endpoint.Capability:      data.management.transfer
     Endpoint.Capability:      data.management.transfer
     Endpoint.Capability:      data.transfer

     AccessPolicy.Scheme:  basic

     MappingPolicy.Scheme:  basic

     StorageShareCapacity.Type:  online
     StorageShareCapacity.Type:  installedonline

     StorageShare.RetentionPolicy: replica
     StorageShare.RetentionPolicy: custodial

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