[glue-wg] GLUE 2.0 in LDAP document

stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk stephen.burke at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Nov 25 05:45:25 CST 2009

glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:glue-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On Behalf Of
David Horat said:
> Finally I have put together all major design decisions made during the
LDAP implementation process and created a document with them. It is now
open to your comments and suggestions.

I think the most obvious thing is that the DIT diagram is wrong, and
also the format is confusing - it isn't a tree! i.e. in an LDAP tree
every node needs to be an object, and all the lines need to be basically
vertical. Also you don't mention the grouping objects or say what
constraints exist on the DN. And the example DN is completely wrong,
there are no EntityIDs!

  Also more generally I think the explanations need to be made clearer,
and to give examples - maybe you should try this on someone who hasn't
been involved with glue 2 up to now, I doubt they will understand the
current version. Also as a general point it seems that none of the names
in the text have the GLUE2 prefix.

  You mention the foreign keys, but don't say what principles we used to
decide which end gets the key, or explain how the keys can be used.
Indeed you don't even say what the key actually is (i.e. the ID).

  You don't seem to mention case sensitivity, and don't explicitly say
that optional/mandatory and single-multivalue sttributes are reflected
directly in LDAP. Also we still have the pending question of whether we
want to use DirectoryString (UTF-8) rather than IA5String.

  There is no reference to the actual LDAP schema.

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