[glue-wg] glue-schema package and updated BDII

Maarten Litmaath Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch
Fri Jun 19 09:54:49 CDT 2009

Hi Laurence,

> http://etics-repository.cern.ch:8080/repository/download/registered/org.glite/glue-schema/2.0.0/noarch/glue-schema-2.0.0-2.noarch.rpm

I ran a spell checker over /opt/glue/schema/openldap-2.1/GLUE20.schema
and found these issues:


The first 3 indicate the presence of control characters, as far as
ASCII is concerned, e.g. UTF-8.  Indeed:

$ cat -v GLUE20.schema | grep -i "LRMS[^. );'][^a-z]" | fold -w 70
         DESC 'Number of jobs waiting in the underlying computing manag
ers (i.e., Local Resource Manager System or LRMSM-bM-^@M-^Ys) '
         DESC 'Number of jobs waiting in the underlying computing manag
ers (i.e., Local Resource Manager System or LRMSM-bM-^@M-^Ys) '
         DESC 'Number of jobs waiting in the underlying computing manag
ers (i.e., LRMSM-bM-^@M-^Ys) submitted via any type of interface (loca
l and Grid)'
         DESC 'Number of jobs waiting in the underlying computing manag
ers (i.e., LRMSM-bM-^@M-^Ys) submitted via a local interface'
$  cat -v GLUE20.schema | grep -i "dedicated[^. );']" | fold -w 70
         DESC 'Local ID common to the storage shares which use the same
  storage share capacities (M-bM-^@M-^XdedicatedM-bM-^@M-^Y is a reserv
ed term and means that the storage share capacities are not shared wit
h other storage share capacities part of different storage shares)'
$ cat -v GLUE20.schema | grep "job[^s. );']" | fold -w 70
         DESC 'The Grid identity of the jobM-bM-^@M-^Ys owner; in case
of anonymity is required, the value CONFIDENTIAL should be advertised'
         DESC 'The local user name to which the  jobM-bM-^@M-^Ys owner
is mapped into'

I think the file should only contain standard ASCII characters.

$ grep storge GLUE20.schema | fold -w 70
         DESC 'Abstracted of a sufficiently homogeneous storage device
providing a storage capacity, managed by a local software component (s
torage manager), part of a storage service, reachable via one or more
endpoints and having one or more shares defined on it. A storge resour
ce refers to a category with summary information on the capacity'

Furthermore, in that last item "Abstracted" should be "Abstraction"
and what does that last sentence mean?

Also, 3 other items use "homogenous" instead of "homogeneous".

We should check the contents of all descriptions...

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