[glue-wg] GLUE 2.0 - draft 20

Sergio Andreozzi sergio.andreozzi at cnaf.infn.it
Fri Feb 1 05:06:23 CST 2008

Dear all,

you can find a new spec of the GLUE 2.0 Spec:

- added inherited properties in computing entities
- changing font size of table from 10 to 8
- removed storage entities (to be separated in a different document up 
to OGF22, to be merged just before)
- several editorial changes to improve formatting

Cheers, Sergio

Sergio Andreozzi
INFN-CNAF,                    Tel: +39 051 609 2860
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2       Fax: +39 051 609 2746
40126 Bologna (Italy)         Web: http://www.cnaf.infn.it/~andreozzi

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