[glue-wg] Interoperability Profile

Laurence Field Laurence.Field at cern.ch
Thu Apr 24 06:28:22 CDT 2008

Hi Timo,

I don't exactly understand what you mean.

However, there was quite a bit of work done related to this in the 
gin-info group. Two approaches were presented, one was to try and agree 
on a minmal set off attributes and the other was to try an translate one 
information schema into another.

The conclusion from this work as that we need to have a common vocabably 
and agree on the fundamental entities that we are dealing with.  You 
can't map something that doesn't exist in one model into the other model 
and if we have different semantics for something with the same name it 
can get very confusing if you try and have a conversation.

The other problem highlighted was that what is important for one use 
case is irrelevant for another.  As infrastructures only need to 
interoperate to meet the demand of their users, we have to look at their 
use cases to understand what is important. This work is  currently being 
investigate in the GIN group. One example is the WN profile which gives 
recommendation for the configuration of environment variables.

I am sure that GIN-CG will define a profile for Glue once it is deployed 
across the infrastructures.


> As we are _rudimentary and for a prototype_ trying to do exactly that, 
> to map a basic set of attributes from the real technical information 
> schemata used
> in MDS4, Unicore, BDII into GLUE 2.0, I wondered if somebody is 
> already doing work on interoperability profiles ?

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