[glue-wg] Updated thoughts...

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Wed Apr 16 11:59:59 CDT 2008

OK, longest one last ... just focussing on what I think are still live

Paul Millar [mailto:paul.millar at desy.de] said:
> As a proposal, if we decide to include non-carbon-based 
> entities as members of 
> UserDomain, we could use "agents" instead of end-users.  An 
> end-users being an example of agent.

Yes - my main point was that the text should indicate the possibility.

> > (Similarly a Disk1 
> > storage system might make extra cache copies to help with load
> > balancing.)
> True, they might well do this (dCache certainly does under various 
> conditions); but I'd say that this is purely an internal 
> issue and shouldn't be published in GLUE.

As always, the possibility is there if anyone wants it, that doesn't
imply any compulsion.

>  I don't think we have any use-cases for publishing this information.

I could probably come up with one if I tried - but it doesn't matter
because as long as the schema is defined in this way (i.e. the Type is
an open enumeration) you have the option of extending things without
changing the schema, hence you don't need to know if there are use-cases
or not. Given the enormous difficulty of changing the schema I think
it's good to have flexibility if you can provide it without significant
cost (contrast with the last issue in this mail where flexibility would
have a prohibitive cost).

> > I think the phraseology should be something like "a common 
> > category of storage" (although maybe "category" still isn't 
> the right word).
> Well, maybe.  I personally find "category" is too vague and a 
> somewhat circular definition.

This is possibly moot anyway if the generic Capacity object has gone
away - if we have objects specific to the use then the description can
also be more specific. The general point is that a Capacity (as we had
it) was defined by its context, hence the general description would be
bound to be vague, the details would be with the parent object.

> >   I'd also like to go back to the question I posed in one of the
> > meetings ... say that a site implements Custodial/Online by ensuring
> > three distinct disk copies, how would we represent that? What about
> > mirrored RAID, how much space do we record?
> Err, I don't see the problem here; they should report the 
> numbers that make sense, no?  I guess I'm missing something...

Err, yes, but what does make sense? Consider a custodial/online space
implemented three different ways:

1) LCG-style D1T1, so you explicitly publish both an Online Size and a
Nearline Size, at least conceptually (you may choose not to publish them
in a particular case). Hence file sizes and free space are both counted
twice, but in separate online and nearline attributes.

2) You use mirrored RAID to implement custodial. Probably the natural
way to publish is that both the Used and Free space are published once,
the fact that there are mirror disks is hidden behind the scenes just
like RAID parity disks. VOs get charged more per unit of space to
reflect the higher cost, but they don't explicitly see the duplication.

3) You have a uniform set of disk servers, and store custodial files
twice on physically different servers while replica files only get
stored once. This is basically the same as the LCG scenario except that
the second copy is on disk instead of tape. Now at least the free space
is likely to be the real space, i.e. a 1 Gb custodial file will drop the
free space by 2 Gb, but what do you count for the used space? If it
isn't also 2 Gb then you lose the normalisation (used + free = total).
However, either way it's hard to know how the free space relates to the
file size without external information.

  My main point here is that we should have a clear definition that lets
people decide what to publish in a given case - the fact that we may get
unusual results in an unusual case, e.g. 3) above, is secondary.

> From the phone confersation, it seems Stephen you view this 
> as simply a 
> work-around because UML doesn't support complex data types 
> (is that a fair summary?)

Yes, and it seems that Felix and Sergio see it the same way.

> Not wishing to be seen promoting or defending UML 
> particularly, but I suspect 
> this is omission is deliberate: if one is modelling something 
> that needs a 
> complex data-type then that complex data-type *is* representing

I have no idea - maybe UML does support it, I'm not an expert, but
anyway LDAP (which is where my main interest lies) doesn't. The basic
point here, which occurs in quite a few places, is the fact that you
can't represent a table, for example if you have something like this
embedded in an object:


it doesn't work because you can't tell which key goes with which value.
What you have to do (e.g. see GlueServiceData in the 1.3 schema) is to
have a separate objectclass with an instance per key/value pair. In this
case we have a key (online, nearline, offline, cache, ...) and four
values (the four kinds of size). That's clumsy, but then everything
about LDAP is clumsy! If LDAP attributes were ordered then at least as
far as LDAP is concerned that could go away and the table could just be
embedded in the parent object, but as it is we can't do it.

> The description is 
> not extending the concept, but better defining it; so, rather than 
> saying "its a bunch of numbers we might want to record", the 
> document offers an explanation of why the object class exists.

Well, since it was my idea in the first place I think I can reasonably
claim to know what I meant! You could argue to change it, but I don't
think you can say that you know what I was thinking better than I do ...

> It doesn't define this: the (semi-) infinite tape is meant as 
> an informative example where not publishing totalSize might make

OK - but potentially almost anything could have examples like that. As
I've said in other mails, my main concern is that if attributes are
published they should follow a clear definition, in most cases it isn't
a problem if they aren't there at all, and I don't think it needs any
particular justification at the schema level. Anything not compulsory is
optional :)

> 	a. not all tape systems provide an easy (or sometimes, 
> any) mechanism for discovering the current totalSize,

That's an argument for why you might not publish it in practice, not for
why it can't be defined.

> 	b. some places have operation practise that they "just 
> add more tapes" when the space looks like its filling up,

Fine, so the free spaces increases. RAL is in the process of adding lots
more disk, and the disk space allocated to various service classes
changes fairly frequently, but no-one seems to have any problem with
doing df or equivalent to report the current picture.

> The argument for making totalSize optional is that a) sometimes it's 
> impossible to discover, b) sometimes it's a meaningless concept.

We all agree that it's optional!!! We've been having this discussion for
about three years now, could we just accept that optional really does
mean optional and is not some sneaky plan to coerce people into
publishing something against their will ... (I declare the concept of a
phone number to be invalid because I might not want to tell people mine

[Many Environment comments snipped as the Environment has gone away, at
least for now - also some things are subsumed in the Datastore proposal]

> > > StorageMappingPolicy:
> > >
> > >   The StorageMappingPolicy describes how a particular 
> UserDomain is
> > >   allowed to access a particular StorageShare.
> >
> > Should we say how this relates to the AccessPolicy? (which 
> doesn't seem
> > to appear explicitly in either the Computing or Storage 
> diagrams but is
> > presumably there anyway.)
> Well, I thought the idea was that we could get by without the 
> access policies being published.

Perhaps you can, but it's there in the model at least. Also it may
depend on how your tools work. For example, at the moment we (EGEE) have
a service discovery tool where you can say "find all services of type
x", where x may be SRM or anything else. If that checks authorisation it
will be looking at the generic AccessPolicy, it won't know all the
details specific to storage. 

> 	1.a A UserDomain has access to a StorageShare (discovered via a 
> StorageMappingPolicy)

Well, formally in the model that would be wrong, you're supposed to
discover access rights to a service through the AccessPolicy. It may
happen to be the case that they are the same, but it may not - for
example a VO may be authorised (AccessPolicy on the Endpoint) but not
happen to have any Shares defined, or maybe it has some but they aren't
published for some reason. Or maybe the Shares are defined but access is
turned off (indeed this is how Freedom of Choice currently works, it
edits the VO name out of the ACBR to stop the CE being discovered).

> > The things which should be true are that there is an agreed 
> set of things
> > (maybe per grid?) which are published, and that the published values
> > should be a superset of the "real" permissions - i.e. the SRM may in
> > fact not authorise me even if the published value says that 
> it will, but
> > the reverse shouldn't be true.
> I think your example here doesn't contradict the above 
> statement "no member of 
> a UserDomain may interact with a StorageShare except as [...]".

It may not contradict it per se but I think the implications are
different. Your statement reads like a statement about authorisation
(anything not specifically allowed is forbidden). Mine is about
expectations - if I expect a service to tell me if I'm allowed to do
something then I may well ignore it if it doesn't, which is usually a
bad thing (maybe not always). [If a country's web site says the country
requires a visa when it actually doesn't it may deter would-be visitors
- which would usually not be what the country would want.]

[Shared Share comments snipped as this has moved on]

> > > | Access to the interface may be localised; that is, only 
> available
> > > | from certain computers.  It may also be restricted to specified
> > > | UserDomains.
> >
> > It might also only apply to certain storage components ...
> "storage components" == StorageShares, right?

Well, possibly - what I was thinking was that you may have e.g. an OPN
connection to some of the storage hardware but not all of it. Basically
you can imagine almost arbitrarily complicated scenarios, which we have
no chance of representing in a generic way, so we aren't even trying. If
someone comes up with a real-world important use case then we can have a
go at covering that specific case.

> The student referred the examiner to approx. half way through 
> the thesis, 
> which included a short paragraph saying "if you mention this 
> paragraph you 
> get to keep the champaign" :-)

I did actually put a joke reference [1] in my thesis, fairly well hidden
- and one of the examiners (Roger Barlow in fact) spotted it!


[1] For the Standard Model - something like "S. Fox et al, Sun, p3" ...

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