[glue-wg] DENY rules

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Tue Apr 15 04:49:22 CDT 2008

Laurence Field [mailto:Laurence.Field at cern.ch] said:
> The syntax of the FQAN is defined by the people who worry about the 
> security model. We should not have to discuss this. In Glue we should 
> just make the statement that the FQAN should be used and 
> reference the 
> relevant security specification where this is defined.

The syntax of the FQAN itself is defined by the VOMS developers, but
they don't consider how it should be published in GLUE, or in general
how it should be used for matching. This is similar to the situation
with access protocol names - in principle they should be defined by SRM,
but in practice they aren't so we have to do it. Indeed the recent
review of authorsiation in EGEE basically endorsed the GLUE model and
will change both the WMS and LCMAPS to follow it!


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